Az-zahra, Safira Khumairo and Siswanto, Budi Nur and Lestiani, Melia Eka (2020) ANALISIS METODE PENGUKURAN KINERJA OPERASIONAL GUDANG 1A SPAREPARTS SUPPLY DIVISION (TA Diploma thesis, STIMLOG INDONESIA.

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ABSTRAK PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. Citeureup. merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang produksi semen terbesar di Indonesia. Dalam proses produksinya membutuhkan mesin yang dimana mesin-mesin tersebut membtutuhkan komponen cadangan yang harus tersedia. Gudang 1A merupakan gudang yang menyuplai berbagai jenis spareparts mesin-mesin yang ada di PT.Indocement. Dalam proses penyuplaian tersebut, pihak gudang menargetkan bahwa setiap Demand yang masuk harus mampu terpenuhi dengan tepat, namun tanpa disadari seringkali terjadi beberapa kendala yang mengambat proses operasional tersebut, salah satunya faktor kinerja yang kurang diperhatikan oleh pihak gudang. Maka dari itu perlu adanya suatu evaluasi penilaian terhadap kinerja operasional di Gudang 1A tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk melakukan Analisis Metode Pengukuran kinerja operasional , mulai dari awal barang datang hingga akan di salurkan kepada User yang membutuhkan. Dalam mengukur kinerja tersebut dibutuhkan waktu obserbasi per asing�masing kegiatan yang terdapat pada gudang yang didapat menggunakan Stopwatch serta penghitungan Waktu baku, waktu Siklus, dan Waktu Normal dan setelahnya dilakukan pembobotan kinerja menggunakan Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dengan Standar Normalisasi Snorm de Boer, sehingga didapatkanlah hasil berupa Nilai kinerja dengan Indikator performasi pada vii Stimlog Indonesia setiap bagian, seperti pada Bagian Administrasi didapatkan Waktu Siklus (Ws) sebesar 48,06 Detik, Waktu Normal (Wn) 0,29 Detik, dan Waktu Baku (Wb) 0,13 Detik. Dengan nilai indikator performasi sebesar 73,7%, Pada proses Saving, yaitu Bagian Pengalokasian didapatkan Nilai Key Performance Indicator (KPI) sebesar 77,6 %, Lalu berdasarkan Time and Motion Study, didapatkan Waktu Siklus (Ws) sebesar 28,09 Detik, Waktu Normal (Wn) 0,29 Detik, dan Waktu Baku (Wb) 0,18 Detik.Dan Pada proses Outcome, yaitu Bagian Pengeluaran didapatkan Nilai Key Performance Indicator (KPI) sebesar 52,8 %, Lalu berdasarkan Time and Motion Study, didapatkan Waktu Siklus (Ws) sebesar 124,38 Detik, Waktu Normal (Wn) 1,28 Detik, dan Waktu Baku (Wb) 0,76 Detik. Agar bisa mendpatkan kualitas kinerja yang baik, maka perusahaan perlu melakukan evaluasi seperti perbaikan pada bagian-bagian yang diperlukan agar kinerja dan juga proses operasional bisa berjalan dengan efektif. Kata kunci :Perancangan kinerja operasional, Key Performance Indicator viii Stimlog Indonesia ABSTRACT PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. Citereup. is one of the companies engaged in the largest cement production sector in Indonesia. The production process requires a machine which requires a spare component which must be available. Warehouse 1A is a warehouse that supplies various types of spare parts for machines at PT Indocement. In the supply process, the warehouse targets that every incoming Demand must be able to be met appropriately, but without realizing it, there are often several obstacles that hinder the operational process, one of which is the performance factor that the warehouse doesn't pay attention to. Therefore, it is necessary to have an evaluation evaluation of operational performance in the 1A warehouse. The purpose of this study is to conduct a design analysis method of measuring operational performance, starting from the beginning of the arrival of goods until they are distributed to users who need them. In measuring this performance, it takes observation time per each activity contained in the warehouse that is obtained using a stopwatch and calculation of Standard Time, Cycle time and Normal Time and after that the performance weighting is carried out using a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) with Snorm de Boer assistance, so that The results obtained are in the form of performance values with performance indicators in each section, such as in the Administration Section, it is obtained Cycle Time (Ws) of 48.06 Seconds, Normal Time (Wn) of 0.29 Seconds, and Standard Time (Wb) of 0.13 Seconds. With a performance indicator value of 73.7%, in the Saving process, namely the Allocation Section, the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) value is obtained by 77.6%, then based on the Time and Motion Study, the Cycle Time (Ws) is 28.09 Seconds, Normal Time (Wn) 0.29 Seconds, and Standard Time (Wb) 0.18 Seconds. And in the Outcome process, namely the Expenditure Section, the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Value is 52.8%, Then based on Time and Motion Study, obtained Cycle Time (Ws) of 124.38 Seconds, Normal Time (Wn) 1.28 Seconds, and Standard Time (Wb) of 0.76 Seconds. In order to get good quality performance, the company needs to ix Stimlog Indonesia carry out evaluations such as improvements to the parts needed so that performance and operational processes can run effectively. keyword : Performance Method Design, Key Performance Indicator

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor
H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email [email protected]
Date Deposited: 24 Feb 2022 08:00
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2022 08:00

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