Analisis Penilaian Vendor Distribusi Pada CV. Mitra Tani Dengan Metode Simple Additve Weighting Dan Technique For Other Reference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TA

Kurniawan, Andhika and Lestiani, Melia Eka and Dewi, Nurlaela Kumala (2021) Analisis Penilaian Vendor Distribusi Pada CV. Mitra Tani Dengan Metode Simple Additve Weighting Dan Technique For Other Reference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TA Diploma thesis, STIMLOG INDONESIA.

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vii STIMLOG Indonesia ABSTRAK Pengambilan suatu keputusan merupakan sesuatu yang sangat vital dalam menentukan keputusan yang harus diambil dalam menghadapi persaingan didunia bisnis. Pengambilan keputusan dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa aspek, hal ini dapat mempengaruhi kecepatan dalam mengambil keputusan oleh pengambil keputusan (pimpinan) dimana pengambilan keputusan harus cepat dan akurat. Pentingnya vendor dalam sektor transportasi adalah sebagai salah satu penyuplai atas segala kebutuhan yang harus dipenuhi oleh perusahaan. CV. Mitra Tani merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembuatan dan pendistribusian makanan ringan berupa kelanting yang bertempat di Desa Gantimulyo, Lampung Timur. Perusahaan ini sudah menjual produknya di luar provinsi lampung seperti kota Tangerang, Banten, Jambi, Palembang. Dalam pendistribusian bahan baku perusahaan sering mengalami adanya bahan baku yang tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan perusahaan, oleh karena ini penelitian ini untuk melihat dan melakukan penilaian terhadap vendor yang digunakan oleh CV. Mitra Tani guna menunjang kegiatan pendistribusian bahan baku dapat berjalan dengan baik dan juga melihat kriteria mana yang berpengaruh dengan melihat 4 kriteria yaitu kualitas pelayanan, harga, delivery, dan layanan. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan menggunakan dengan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) dan Technique for Order Preference by Similary to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), peneliti menemukan apa yang menjadi prioritas dalam pemilihan vendor pengiriman bahan baku di CV. Mitra Tani yaitu harga dengan persentase 31%, kualitas pelayanan dengan persentase 26%, delivery dengan persentase 22%, dan layanan dengan persentase 21%, sedangkan penilaian vendor terbaik dari 3 (tiga) jenis vendor pendistribusian bahan baku adalah vendor Sumber Berkat Abadi. Usulan yang diberikan peneliti adalah hasil penelitian ini, agar menjadi tolak ukur bagi perusahaan dalam menilai kualitas dan kinerja vendor pendistribusian bahan baku pembuatan makanan ringan. Kata Kunci : Simple Additive Weighting, Technique for Order Preference by Similary to Ideal Solution, Distribusi, penilaian vendor, Pengambilan Keputusan. viii STIMLOG Indonesia ABSTRACT Making a decision is something that is very vital in determining the decisions that must be taken in the face of competition in the business world. Decision making can be influenced by several aspects, this can affect the speed in making decisions by the decision maker (leader) where decision making must be fast and accurate. The importance of vendors in the transportation sector is as one of the suppliers of all the needs that must be met by the company. CV. Mitra Tani is a company engaged in the manufacture and distribution of snacks in the form of kelanting which is located in Gantimulyo Village, East Lampung. This company has sold its products outside Lampung province, such as the cities of Tangerang, Banten, Jambi, Palembang. In the distribution of raw materials, companies often experience raw materials that are not as expected by the company, therefore this study is to see and assess the vendors used by CV. Mitra Tani to support raw material distribution activities can run well and also see which criteria are influential by looking at 4 criteria, namely service quality, price, delivery, and service. Based on the results of calculations using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method and the Technique for Order Preference by Similary to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), researchers found out what is the priority in selecting vendors for raw material delivery in CV. Mitra Tani is price with a percentage of 31%, service quality with a percentage of 26%, delivery with a percentage of 22%, and service with a percentage of 21%, while the best vendor assessment of the 3 (three) types of vendors for the distribution of raw materials is the vendor of Sumber Berkat Abadi. The suggestion given by the researcher is the result of this research, in order to become a benchmark for companies in assessing the quality and performance of vendors who distribute raw materials for making snacks. Keywords: Simple Additive Weighting, Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution, Distribution, vendor assessment, Decision Making

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email [email protected]
Date Deposited: 18 Apr 2022 07:09
Last Modified: 18 Apr 2022 07:09

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